Brunswick Jazz Jam

Every Tuesday at The Brunswick , many musicians congregate for a night of jamming and catching up with friends from the local jazz scene. It’s a popular night with a large audience turnout who come down to see which mix of performers will be on stage that particular week.

I started it in July 2010 and since then it has gone from strength to strength thanks to the support of local musicians eager to play and the hoards of jazz aficionados who pack the place out each week. There’s an acoustic house piano mic’d up on stage and anyone is willing to join in. The musicians themselves come from a variety of jazz backgrounds, from singers who perform their own renditions of classic songs through to out and out be-boppers who love tearing through riproaring tunes!

As well as the ever rotating house band, I’d like to thank the regulars, who make the jam the success that it is – many of them who attend every week without fail – Mike Guest, Paul Sharpe, Renee Ansell, Heather Cairncross, Nicola Cairncross, Katy Thomas, Bernadine, Jim Whyte, Wayne McConell, Bjorn Dahlberg, Maria McAteer, Maria Contreras, Eddy Myer, Luke Rattenbury, Loz Thomas, Joe Hunter, Bill Eborn, Dimitris, John Brown, Dave Drake, Dom Omeagan, Kevin Lowe, Max Khan, Heather Camille, Rob McLean, Monika Henter, Lele Bizzoca and many many more!

For info check out the facebook page Brunswick jazz jam. Here you will find regular top quality photos taken by Mike Guest and also great pictures taken by Paul Sharpe, Shakeel Sari, George Watt and Sara Oschlag. Also, take a look at a blog covering the jam written by Brighton guitarist John Harris.

Sarah singing at the Jazz Jam

Brunswick Jazz Jam, Hove, East Sussex Performance by Heather Cairncross with Terry Pack on Bass, Wayne McConnell on paino

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Here’s one of the house Band, myself on guitar, Eddie Myer on Bass, Loz Thomas and Wayne McConnell on piano
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