Hi jazzers,
Thanks to those who attended last week and thank you for your kind emails regarding how the class helped to structure and put a creative spark into your practice whilst learning how to create authentic sounding jazz lines.
This Weds we will look at how to improvise through the tune “On the Sunny Side of the street” whilst nailing the changes, outlining the harmony.
You don’t need to have attended last week to understand what we are doing this week.
It’s helpful to have your instruments at hand so you can run through some of the examples.
Please find below,
1. Payment info
2. Zoom link
See you Weds!
1. Pay £10 by Weds
Select “friends and family” so as not to incur a charge.
Paul Richards
Ref, Jazz
Sort code, 40 47 26
Account number, 71654179
2. Topic: Paul Richards’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 3, 2021 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 3808 1782
Passcode: RWZ70k