Verdict Jazz Club, Brighton, Album Launch

Here’s a video of Saturday’s 21st June ALbum Launch!

“This is a cd I’ve wanted to make for a very long time: a  recording of my favourite tunes and melodies from Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. It’s music I have loved all my life and  Empatia’ is the perfect word to describe the feeling I wanted for the sambas and choros we recorded. A nod to jazz here and there certainly, but at its heart it had to reflect the true soul of Latin American music. Empatia also perfectly describes the interaction I think we achieved between the musicians in my new trio. There’s a delicacy; a listening; a musicianship that is special and I believe we managed to capture. I hope you enjoy listening to the c.d.”
Paul Richards 2014

It’s at the Verdict Jazz Club, Edward Street, Brighton.

Tickets can be purchased from between 3pm and 7pm


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