Jazz Blues, a thorough analysis on guitar

Jazz blues is a staple of the the standard jazz repertoire along with Rhythm Changes and a whole host of standards.  This Saturday 27th at Sussex Jazz Guitar School we will be focusing on this much played form.  Mastering the Jazz Blues is essential as a blues will always be called on a jam session and working on it will also involve learning how to solo over static dominant chords, two five ones and “the turn around to two!” of which there are many variations!  The “turn around to two” which may be unfamiliar to some of you is found in many bebop and jazz standards and we will explore the various possibilities of this.  We will look at at least four variations of this.  I will also give a historical evolution of the jazz blues and how it mutated from the standard blues by adding different chords and progressions especially through the bebop era of Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie.

I will also show you tricks or different ways to think about soloing over the changes especially the change from the One Dominant chord to the “Four” Dominant chord.  So here is the prep work,

Memorize the Jazz Blues progression below and listen to as many Jazz blues as you can this week ie, Now’s the time, Billies Bounce, Sandu, Tenor Madness, C Jam blues, Straight no chaser, Blue Monk.

Note we’ll be looking at the standard Jazz Blues not the Minor Blues, we can look at that another time!

F7          Bb7          F7          F7

Bb7         Bb7         F7          D7

Gm7        C7           F7         C7

This is the simplest form and we will explore all the variations and alterations on this form.

See you this Saturday 27th, 11am at the Brunswick! 2.5 hour workshop until 1.30pm.

£20 per lesson, £55 for chosen 3

The next lessons after 27th are…

Sun 19th Oct
Sat 15th Nov
Sun 14th Dec

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