Intervallic concepts, double stops, solo jazz guitar

Sussex Jazz Guitar School this month will be looking at a different way of creating melodic solo jazz guitar lines rather than running through scales or even arpeggios.  We will be looking at the various multitude of possible intervals contained within different chords and use these to create both single note jazz lines and lines with two notes (double stops) to fill out our playing making it sound beefier which is also great for unaccompanied solo jazz guitar.

We will be thinking outside of the box and using these ideas to create interesting solos using intervals spread out over a wider distance than usual.  Intervals such as a 6th and 7th.  The clusters of notes we shall find will also be used for comping in jazz band situations.  So this work has many applications and it’s stuff you won’t find in books or videos either!  It’s my own in depth investigations with the goal of creating a different sound for jazz guitar.

As long as you know basic chord forms, the material in the class will be instantly useable and everyone can work at their own pace and level.  You can do as much of the work below as you want (or none at all, you can use shapes you already know).  But if you learn all of these inversions in the videos you will definately have a large amount of chordal options on the guitar thus producing a broader melodic pallete and more possibilities for exciting jazz lines.

In class you will see how this is instantly useable and each tweak we do along the way will  twist, turn and evolve into a whole new world of improvising.

Here’s the videos…

1. Fminor7 , bottom 4 strings

2.F7, bottom 4 strings

3. Fmaj7, bottom 4 strings

4. Remaining strings sets (middle 4 strings & top 4 strings) for Fm7, F7, Fmaj7

We will look at how we can approach soloing and comping over the Jazz Blues or any Jazz standard.

See you at the Brunswick next Saturday 21st, 11am til 1.30pm !

Class after that is Sat 21st March
I’ll let you know as soon as I have booked the venue for the next classes in April etc..
Feel free to email me any preferable dates if you can’t bear to miss one 🙂

£20 per class
£55 for 3 classes
Contact me to book in advance (preferable to secure place)

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This entry was posted in Brighton, brighton jazz bands, classical guitarist, East, East Sussex, Entertainment Agancy, entertainment agency, Guitar | Band, Guitar | Duo, Guitar | Latin, Guitar | Lessons, Guitar | Weddings, Jazz Agency, Jazz Agent, jazz bands, jazz bands sussex, jazz duos, jazz quartets, jazz trios, Kent, Live Music, London, london jazz bands, Love Supreme Festival, Music Agency, Music Agent, quartet, Surrey, Sussex, sussex jazz band, sussex jazz bands, transcribing, transcriptions, Valentine's night, verdict jazz club, wedding guitarist, wedding music, weddings, West, West Sussex and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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