6th August, Sussex Jazz Guitar School Zoom

Quartal structures with added notes

This lesson will be a real eye and ear opener!

We will look at root position quartal clusters over the entire range of the fretboard ,

our starting point will be the C harmonised major scale in triads in root position. We will use these to derive a variety of modern structures with interesting intervals and melodies.

we will learn how to use these to produce modern soloing lines.  Your lines will sound fresh and interesting and modern and not cliched.

We will also look at using these to create comping ideas again creating modern sounds incorporating them with voice leading.

Have the below diagram to hand during the class. Better still print it out and have a pen to make notes on it.

always try and have blank chord diagrams and tab during these classes to make important notes.

Here’s the Zoom link


Paul Richards is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Paul Richards’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 6, 2020 06:00 PM London

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Meeting ID: 766 9081 7840
Passcode: 8Fm62t



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